“The Beurs van Berlage is the perfect location for a good 'exchange'. The beautiful historic building is designed for meetings and consultations, with all kinds of attractive smaller and larger consultation areas, rooms and large halls. That is why it is so suitable for organizing an scientific conference."
Martijn Willemsen is an associate professor at Eindhoven University of Technology and the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science in Den Bosch. He conducts research into Recommender System and explainable AI, and tries to apply his knowledge of human decision processes in developing more human-oriented AI. He obtained his PhD cum laude from TU/e, and shortly afterwards received a Veni grant from the NWO with which he spent a year at Columbia University (New York) to develop a web-based process-tracing tool. His interest in data analysis and decision support brought him into the world of Data Science and AI. He is involved in various ACM conferences in this area, such as RecSys, IUI and UMAP. He is one of the senior members of the Recommender Systems community, and was one of the main organizers of ACM RecSys 2021, which was organized in the middle of Covid times at the Beurs van Berlage. That conference was a huge success with 300 physical participants and 800 online participants, partly thanks to a fantastic hybrid setup developed together with the professional AV team of the Beurs.